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The seas were wild, pressing violently against  the coast by a howling storm.  The fleet, after many months at sea where battered and staggering under the heavy winds.  Losses had been heavy both in vessels and human lives and those still alive had lost the will to fight on.

A feeble cry was heard from the lookout of the 'Valiant Endeavours' flag ship of the fleet, 'Reef!' was the cry that dragged weary crewmen to the rigging of the ship.  A thundering crunch was swallowed by the storm as the ship shuddered, it had found the first of the rocks.  Ropes snapped and the crew and passengers on deck were swept away by falling spars and rigging.  Yet the sodden storm worn hull held the sea at bay and the ship slowly turned away from the rocks and found, by chance the passage into a cove surrounded by high bleak cliffs.  The remaining fleet, followed as they could the Valiant but many fell foul to the jagged rocks of the promontory.

As the sun rose for the first time in many days those who had survived looked about them and were stunned with loss.  Of the Twenty four ships to set sail only eight had made it across the ocean to the cove to rock or list amongst the hundreds of bodies floated in the bay mixing with tons of shattered wood and cargo from the dozen ships that had shattered on the rocks.

Those who survived turned to cliffs and with what little strength they had began to climb to the heights.  At last, after many hours climbing they reach the top of the cliffs and beheld a lush untamed forest, deer wandered amongst the trees without fear and a crystal mountain stream ran passed them to fall as a brilliant waterfall to the sea below.

The survivors wept knowing that they had found their new home and swore that they would never surrender this new land as they had been forced to flee their last.

History Part II


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