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The stronghold of Haven and the surrounding lands are the home of many different races.  While most races stay in their respective homelands most can be found in and around the Stronghold.

Human  Dwarf Elf Half Orc Half Elf Halfling Gnome Dryad Faerie


Since their arrival the humans have established themselves as part of the lands.  While most Humans come from Haven some come from the farming settlements nearby.

Humans are a versatile bunch and have mastered not only their native disciplines but have been known to excel at those classes previously only the realm of the other races.    

Humans may be one of the following classes: Assassin Bard Hunter Illusionist Knight Mage Monk Necromancer Shaman Thief Warrior



Tall, lithe and, at least as far as humans are concerned, beautiful in an ethereal sort of way the Elves where the original habitants of the forests around Haven.  As humans have spread throughout the realms they have withdrawn deeper and deeper into the forests.

Despite loosing their homelands the Elves have largely remained on good terms with the citizens of Haven and now many of them can be found within the city.

Because of their natural affinity with the woodlands Elves are often seen as rangers, whether this is an actual career choice or more a natural tendency is unclear.

While Elfish magic is obvious throughout their realms this appears to be a consequence of some form of collective influence and while Elves are often powerful wielders of magic they can seldom grasp certain 'flavours' or the arts.

Elves may be one of the following classes: Hunter Mage Thief



Shorter than a human but broader with the shoulders of an ox and the constitution to match.  Dwarves have long worked the mountains near their capital, mining the rich mineral veins for precious metals as well as the common ores.  Survival in the harsh environment of the mountains has made the Dwarves a particularly tough race, battle trained from early childhood. Raised to wield the tools of the smith and mason with the same skill as the war hammer and battle axe Dwarfs are excellent artificers able to build fortifications as well forge powerful weapons of war.  The greatest of the Dwarven smiths are able to create great works amongst which are numbered many of the lands supreme magical weapons.

Dwarves may be one of the following classes: Shaman Thief Warrior



Lets be honest, no one (other than another Orc anyway) is going to fall in love with an Orc.  Frankly the thought is plain scary.  For this reason these children invariably come from the forced mating of a human prisoner (female Orcs also keep slaves that they use for erm, entertainment).   Life in the Orc halls is harsh and a half bloods life is even harder, many die during their early years.  Often the child will flee to the only place it believes it will be safe, Haven.  With no entry into the formal education system of Haven these children have only a limited number of choices available to them and often end up in the darker underworld of the city.  It should be noted however that Half-Orcs often excel in these roles, possibly a result of both their racial characteristics and the rough world they have had to endure.

Half Orc may be one of the following classes: Assassin Hunter Knight Mage  Necromancer Shaman Thief Warrior


Half Elf

Occasionally one of the fair elves falls in love with a Human (unlike a Human falling in love with an Elf which is quite common).  The offspring of these unions inherits some of the features and abilities  of both its parents.  In accordance with Elfish tradition it is the choice of the child if they wish to live with their Human parent or become a member of the Elfish community.  For this reason most of the professions available to both Elf and Human are available to an Half-Elf.

Half Elves may be one of the following classes: Assassin Bard Hunter Knight Mage Shaman Thief Warrior



A quiet race that has lived in the harmony with the land for many generations, the typical halfling is nothing if not self indulgent.  Six square meals a day (at least) would be required to keep most halflings content.  There are however exceptions and although rare the adventuring halfling can be a force to be reckoned with.  Their natural agility, small size and ability to move very quietly, particularly outdoors, often makes them excellent thieves.  Hardier souls have even joined the ranks of the warrior classes but their size makes many weapons unusable by them (still a short sword can be as deadly as a berserker axe in the right hands!)

Halfling may be one of the following classes: Shaman Thief Warrior



While some believe gnomes to be related to the dwarves if this is the case their common ancestors lived many millennia ago.  The typical gnome is intelligent, inquisitive, nimble and possessing a strong constitution.  This has, not surprisingly, led to the gnomish settlements becoming the centre of a strong trade in all things mechanical.  Gnomish crossbows are lighter, fire faster and deliver more damage than any other races while the newly invented steam mills are giving a glimpse of a world with mass produced items!

Gnomes lack the size and strength to be the traditional heavyweight warrior, but like halflings have adapted their weapons to suit their statures.  There is a strong tradition of gnomes entering the magical academies and many have gone on to develop great things by combining their artificer skills with those of magic.  (Bloggits clockwork dragon sentinel for example that breaths fire on any who unlawfully enter the premises)

Gnomes may be one of the following classes: Illusionist Shaman Thief Warrior



Dryads are mischievous, intelligent, long lived woodland dwellers.  Dryad's tend to avoid the bigger towns, as departing from their tree, which their soul encumbers, is somewhat difficult. 

Excelling in naturalistic magic this only female race tend to make excellent thieves, hunters or shaman  but sadly have an addiction to anything which shines and have a sweet tooth, thus making them somewhat easy to bribe.

Rumours abound of the fates of men (of most races) that have disappeared into the Dryad woods.  Some explorers see this as a threat, some a reason to explore, others a dream to seek out and grasp with both hands.

Dryads must always be female and  may be one of the following classes: Hunter Shaman Thief 



Those who dismiss the Faeries because of their size is making a great mistake.  Naturally enchanted they are often powerful wielders of magic although some do prefer to use their speed to become formidable warriors or thieves.  Faeries have a tendency to be chaotic and while few are actually evil many perceive them this way when they turn their attentions (often spitefully) on someone.

Faeries may be one of the following classes: Illusionist Thief



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